tolkien lore

The History of Morgoth [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained

The History of Sauron [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained

The Many Origins of Tolkien's Orcs - Elves, Men, & Morgoth

What is the History of Middle-Earth? - From Creation to the Rise of Numenor LORE DOCUMENTARY

Tolkien's Elves | Types of elves explained

The Black Númenóreans | Sauron's Mightiest Servants - Tolkien Lore Video

The History of Gundabad | Tolkien Explained

The COMPLETE History of Gondor | Tolkien Explained (Compilation)

The Rise of the Witch-king | Downfall of the Dúnedain - Tolkien Lore Video

Tolkien naming his characters

The Powers of the Istari (Wizards) | Tolkien Explained

The Silmarils | Tolkien Explained

The History of Númenor | Tolkien Explained

Orcs, Goblins, & Uruk-hai - What's the Difference? | Tolkien Explained

The Elf Life Cycle | Tolkien Explained

The Full Story of GANDALF! | Middle Earth Lore

The One Ring: How Does it Work? | Middle-earth Lore Video

Giants & Stone-Giants of Middle Earth | Tolkien Explained

Morgoth: The Origins of Melkor | Tolkien Explained

Why Tolkien Didn't Like Dune

Details in Peter Jackson’s “The Two Towers” that Only Book Superfans Would Notice

What It's Like Reading Tolkien - The Silmarillion vs. LOTR/The Hobbit

The Complete Timeline of Middle-earth

Rise of Morgoth - Middle-Earth First Age Lore DOCUMENTARY